This video from went viral because, we’ve all been there. Using third party conference tools leads to all of the above happening all the time. For our NEWT clients however the humour wouldn’t register as much as we specifically designed the NEWT conference bridge not to drive anyone nuts.
The NEWT Conference Bridge allows the moderator to manage a group call and to see who is on, what they’re up to, what access they have – and if they are interrupting like the dog guy or the Espresso girl in the video, to mute them, or drop them from the call altogether.
Any individual extension with the NEWT web interface can easily moderate their own conference bridge room including handing out pin assignments and viewing the call status right on their desktop.
Of course there are some things that are beyond even our NEWT conference web interface…
conference-call-potty-break1 Everyone's Conference Call Nightmares...

For more on the NEWT Conference bridge, and how it can make your day-to-day business less crazy, drop by our website HERE or give us a call at 1 (855) 378-7979.